Save The Duck

Save The Duck

Unverified brand
600 followers - In the brand list of
What others think
(1) - 100% positive
🔍 Transparency
🌍 Values and trust
📦 Packaging
⌛ Durability
🤞 Commitment
27 reviews
I love this brand, I’m surprised they are not working with Renoon yet

What the brand can prove

Every year Save the Duck donates 1% of their turnover to companies that take care of the planet: animals, people and the environment. So far, they have donated to PETA, Save the Children, Save the Dogs, and many more

Since 2019 Save the Duck is B Corp certified, part of the movement of companies with the common goal: to be protagonists of global change, creating a positive impact on society and the planet through business

Save the Duck is 100% animal free meaning they do not use any animal component in their garments. In addition to goose feathers, they do not use wool, silk, nacre and horn. This commitment has been recognized by PETA which since 2014 has repeatedly rewarded them for their ethics towards animals

In 2012 third family generation of Forest clothing company Nicolas Bargi launched the brand Save The Duck with a strong commitment to create a product respectful of animals, environment and people

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In 2012 third family generation of Forest clothing company Nicolas Bargi launched the brand Save The Duck with a strong commitment to create a product respectful of animals, environment and people