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What the brand can prove

Kowtow's cotton is certified by Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO). Every season, certified farmer groups receive a premium to be spent on community projects such as medical costs, irrigation schemes to conserve rainwater, books and clothes for school children, farmer education, training and upgrades. For the past 12 years, they have been working with Fairtrade Labelling Organisations (FLO) certified manufacturers in India

Kowtow garments are made at SA8000 certified organisations. The SA8000 Standard encourages clothing manufacturers to develop, maintain, and apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace. SA8000 helps ensure the workers at the brand's production facilities receive the following benefits: guaranteed minimum wage, social security fund, pension fund, paid holiday leave, sick pay, medical insurance, subsidised lunches, overtime pay, workplace unions and free transport to their workplace

Kowtow has sourced premium merino wool from New Zealand certified by ZQ Merino. The standard ensures growers commit to the highest grade of animal welfare, environmental care and social responsibility. This includes commitment to no mulesing and basic freedoms as described in the Animal Welfare Act 1999 and the Animal Welfare Code of Welfare 2010

Born in 2007, the New Zealand brand offers responsible minimalist pieces that are inspired by artful dressing. They aim to make positive changes with the production of their products

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Born in 2007, the New Zealand brand offers responsible minimalist pieces that are inspired by artful dressing. They aim to make positive changes with the production of their products