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What the brand can prove

KOBF does not use any animal products in its garments

KOBF supports WIRES, Australia’s largest wildlife rescue organization. Its mission is to actively rehabilitate and preserve Australian wildlife and inspire others to do the same

KOBF donates to Street Child - Nigeria/Sierra Leone whose mission to support the movement to get children off the streets and into school, offering them the opportunity for a brighter future

KOBF produces exclusively in Portugal

Fashion brand that started from the desire to get out of the present, to represent the society of the future. KIDSOFBROKENFUTURE begins as a social criticism about our behaviour and its consequences for our future with an irreverent and revolutionary approach. The kids want to differentiate themselves from the indifferent masses. The brand has a special interest in the aesthetics and the artistic vision of street subcultures present at the end of XX century

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Fashion brand that started from the desire to get out of the present, to represent the society of the future.

KIDSOFBROKENFUTURE begins as a social criticism about our behaviour and its consequences for our future with an irreverent and revolutionary approach.

The kids want to differentiate themselves from the indifferent masses. The brand has a special interest in the aesthetics and the artistic vision of street subcultures present at the end of XX century